We are very pleased that since the United States has opened it borders that many of our international guests are returning.
In an earlier newsletter this year, we mentioned David Wade and his groups with Strickly Elvis UK/Elvis Travel Service. His group was among the first international visitors.
On November 4, Dick Guyton, Executive Director of the Elvis Presley Memorial Foundation for almost 20 years, announced his retirement effective with Elvis’ birthday anniversary, Saturday, January 8, 2022.
“The time has come for me to pass the responsibility of this cherished place to another, so today I am announcing that as of Elvis’ birthday, Saturday, January 8, 2022, I will be retiring from my official duties but will always be an ambassador for this special place,” Guyton said.
There are two groups that make the Birthplace the special venue that it is: the Elvis fans and the Birthplace staff.
In this month’s newsletter, you’ll read some stories and insights from Judy Shumpert. I know you will enjoy what she has to share.
We look forward to seeing you at the Birthplace.
Tom Brown is well known in Tupelo and at Graceland. He is a true fan of Elvis and is always very gracious with his time. Tom is program director and 6-10 a.m. “Tom Brown in the Morning Host” on Sunny 93.3 FM radio. Visit http://www.sunny933fm.com/tom-brown.html.
How does Tom describe himself? “I’m just a fan with a really good seat!” And he added, “You really can’t understand Elvis until you stand in that two-room shack where it all started. It’s the place where the legend was born.”
Two of the biggest days of the year at The Birthplace are Elvis’s birthday celebration on January 8 and Fan Appreciation Day each August. Previous Fan Appreciation Days have seen hundreds and hundreds of loyal fans from throughout the world visit us on this hot August day.
Last year COVID-19 kept us from having this annual celebration, and it certainly restricted our attendance this year.
We are grateful for those who were able to attend and thank Elvis fans worldwide for your continuing dedication to the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll and your support of the Birthplace.
We are very fortunate to have Joe Savery sharing his memories and memorabilia of the 1956 and 1957 concerts in Tupelo. He recently took time to give us some of the backstory from Tupelo’s point of view.
Thank you, Joe! I’m sure our fans will be fascinated by this information.
And, for 50 years, the British have been coming by the busload – or it that “motor coaches full”?
Our friend David Wade with Strickly Elvis and his guests have been faithful visitors to the Birthplace. We asked David for a few works about his experiences with the Birthplace. Click below to read David’s article in the Newsletter.
There are three ticketed venues on our property:
The Assembly of God Church of East Tupelo was the church that Elvis attended. In 1959, it was converted to a home. In 2008, the Elvis Presley Birthplace Memorial Foundation purchased the building and had it moved from Berry Street to the Birthplace park property.
Since its restoration and opening in August 2008, it has shown its visitors the powerful church experience that Elvis had as a boy.
If you’ve not been inside the church, I hope you will come to the Birthplace to experience a service as Elvis would have … only a lot shorter!
The spring symphony of sights and smells have arrived. The flowers are blooming, and the trees are producing green leaves again.
We talk a lot about all the physical attractions on the Elvis Presley Birthplace property, and we probably don’t say enough about the beautiful landscaping that makes this such an attractive park. It is a great place to come and walk around to wind down the day or just to take a little break. It is peaceful. And it is a great reminder of the town where Elvis spent his early years.
We’ve included a few photographs for you to enjoy what we are experiencing, and we hope that you are able to come see it for yourself.
Please enjoy. We hope to see you soon.
When fans visit the Elvis Presley Birthplace, there are many stories about Elvis that are told. Fans share stories with us, and we share stories with fans.
Some of our stories can be found on the exterior walls around our welcome center. Our “Story Wall” offers vivid portrayals of Elvis’s life as a boy in Tupelo as told by some of the people who knew him well.
The next time you come by the Birthplace, we hope you take time to read some of these stories. We offer you a few excerpts below.
Please enjoy. We hope to see you soon.
We thank you, our fans, for your support of the Elvis Presley Birthplace. And, we share with you in this newsletter what some of you have said about your experience at the Birthplace.
The Board of Directors, the staff and I are always looking at ways to enhance the experience of “The Innocence of Elvis” at the Birthplace. The Elvis Presley Birthplace is for the fans. The fans are in our minds in every decision we make. We want you to have a good experience and feel “home” like Elvis felt.
Please enjoy. We hope to see you soon.
While Tupelo, Mississippi, does get cold weather during the winter months, snow is rare. When it does come, it adds a layer of excitement to all that it touches.
The snow doesn’t stay long as it usually goes away in a day – “Blink, and you’ll miss it.”
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