January 8, 2019, marks Elvis’s 84th birthday!
Won’t you join us at the Birthplace as we celebrate? At 1 p.m. on January 8 in our Event Center, we will have some light refreshments as we wish Elvis a happy birthday!
Elvis’s birthplace will be free of charge for his birthday. Come visit the home where Elvis spent the first 13 years of his life.
If can’t join us in person, check our Facebook page for videos and updates during the day.
Merry Christmas from the Elvis Presley Birthplace.
We have been blessed with many of you visiting us this year.
We’ve averaged 19 buses of visitors a month. We’ve had 3,900 visitors a month.
Our visitors have come from 44 states and 20 countries. This includes monks from Tibet and fan clubs from Brazil and Germany. We’re happy to see you all!
Our website has also seen many visitors. The top five countries to visit our website this month are the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and the Netherlands. By state, visitors ranked are Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, Texas and Alabama.
We held our annual Fan Appreciation Day on Saturday, August 11. For those of you who were not available to attend, we live-streamed the event on our Facebook page. The video is available on Facebook if you’d like to see it.
We announced a few changes we plan to make at the Birthplace. We’re working with a landscape architect to create a path from our main parking lot to our Reflections lake, so those visitors wishing to go there will not have to follow the path up and down the hill to get there.
We are also negotiating with landowners to be able to increase our parking behind our Becoming statues so that buses and other larger vehicles will be able to park there and that our friends with mobility issues won’t have to worry about climbing the hill.
This is the 41st anniversary of the Elvis Presley Birthplace Fan Appreciation Day. Each year hundreds of fans, both long-distance travelers and locally based, come to the Birthplace to experience the Innocence of Elvis. Elvis’s first 13 years in Tupelo molded the values he kept for the rest of his life.
Please make plans to join us. Make new friends. See how our grounds have expanded. Enjoy the beauty that the Elvis Presley Birthplace has to offer.
We are now publishing our “Tender Notes” as an e-newsletter. This will make it easier for you to read it on a smartphone or tablet. It is also simpler for you to share with your friends by forwarding it.
Your friends can sign up for a copy to be sent directly to them by going to our website – ElvisPresleyBirthplace.com – or by going to our Facebook page – Facebook.com/ElvisPresleyBirthplace – and choosing the “Newsletter Signup” option that is at the bottom of the list on the left-hand side of the page.
Thank you for your continued support.
Enjoy our new format.
Before we know it, SPRING will be upon us. It’s hard to believe but March 20th is the first day of spring for 2018.
Flowers will be blooming, grass begins to green, and then, warm weather will show up. It’s a great time to watch the floral growth symphony at Reflections.
March always brings Spring Holidays and families begin to travel. What better place to travel than our home state. Mississippi has lots of things to see – starting in Tupelo at THE ELVIS PRESLEY BIRTHPLACE, then the Gulf Coast, The Blues Music Trail, Natchez, Columbus, and Jackson and its new museums.
Now is the time to start planning for your spring trip. But, this year, stay at home in our beautiful state and enjoy what MISSISSIPPI has to offer, EVERYONE!
Happy New Year!!!! We have just moved into 2018, celebrated the 83rd birthday of ELVIS, and already planning for Spring at the Birthplace. It won’t be long now until the flowers will begin to sprout and the trees will show little buds all over. Spring will be here before we know it. I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and all of your resolutions have come true, so far.
August of this year will be the 41st anniversary of his death. January of next year we will celebrate his 84th Birthday. Things are moving forward at THE BIRTHPLACE. We are already looking at many NEW items for the gift shop. The entrance to the main building has been redone and gives much room inside. We also have 2 or 3 new items that will be placed in the Museum.
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